Week 15 - Ethnographic Fieldwork Project, part 7

Due: 1pm, Thursday, December 6; must be uploaded to dropbox

Each student is responsible for writing reactions, comments, and suggestions in response to the proposal drafts submitted by all members of the small group. In these reaction papers, please make note of what you found particularly compelling or interesting about each paper, and also suggestions you might have about how the (hypothetical) research could be done differently. These comments each need to be shared twice -- one copy goes to the author (via email) and the other to me (in your regular dropbox folder). They are due the last week of classes, so that students can look over the reaction papers in preparation for the final version.

Your comments should be at least one page, double-spaced. In it, please answer the following questions. Your welcome to write a list of numbered answers, or you can shape them into paragraphs.

1. What surprised you the most about what was written in this proposal? Why did it surprise you? What were you expecting?

2. Were there any parts that didn't make sense to you, either because you didn't understand the writing or didn't understand what the author was proposing? If so, please describe what it was that you didn't understand.

3. Being as creative as you possibly can, please list
two other research methodologies with which the author could conduct this research. Where else could they go? What could they do? What would it help them learn about their situations? If you're having trouble with this part, try to think less literally about what the fieldsite means or stands for.