By 11 am on Friday the 16th of November send either a specific question or an interesting comment you have on the following readings to Nathalie’s email (nsn6jq [at]
- Foucault’s Panopticism
- Foucault’s History of Sexuality
- Butler’s Gender Trouble
P.S: You can send more than one question or comment if you have more than one.
I will compile all the questions and comments and respond to them and distribute a document of all of them the next time we meet in section. Your question/comment will count for your attendance and participation in section.

By 11 am on Friday the 23rd of November send either a specific question or an interesting comment you have on the following readings to Nathalie’s email (nsn6jq [at]
- Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks
- William’s The Alchemy of Race
I will compile all the questions and comments and respond to them and distribute a document of all of them the next time we meet in section. Your question/comment will count for your attendance and participation in section.