
Two ground rules
There are two basic ground rules for this class: 1) Opinions can change. You’ll never be punished for changing your mind about something. It’s usually even more helpful if you can notice and reflect on the change; 2) When things are difficult, notice that difficulty and take it seriously, but don’t let it stop you. Emotional reactions to readings -- ranging from “I hate this, it doesn’t make sense” to “This is completely racist / sexist, etc.” to “This really doesn’t matter” -- are all incredibly valid and important to notice and think through. But don’t let feelings of frustration stop you from reading. Notice difficulty and keep reading.

Writing Assignments
This course includes weekly short writing assignments, which are outlined in detail here. Use these as opportunities to think and write through questions or ideas you’re having about readings, lectures, and discussions. All writing assignments should be at least one page, double spaced, written in Times New Roman or some other equally not huge font. Your writing will be graded on the clarity, complexity, and persuasiveness of your arguments and ideas. Please note that clarity and complexity are not opposite things. As I will surely say in class: The world is a complex place and being smart is about learning how to clearly represent all its complexity.

Rewriting Assignments
Good learning -- learning that sticks on your ribs -- isn’t something that usually happens in one quick exchange. Usually, actually learning something -- not knowing it, being introduced to it, starting to figure it out, getting confused, asking some questions, trying to puzzle it through, maybe trying to explain it to someone else -- takes a while. In this course, no one is going to ask you to pretend to “learn” something immediately, on the first try. (Of course, if you do, great! Run with it.) For those reasons, I am happy to accept revised and rewritten weekly papers. If you are willing to take time to substantially reconsider what you didn’t understand before (maybe after talking with one of us, or re-reading), then I am willing to grade it again. If the second grade is higher, the first grade disappears -- no averaging or anything. However, all rewrites must be turned in exactly two weeks after your graded assignment was returned to you. If your paper was originally turned in late, any rewrite, no matter how spectacular, can’t gain back the points it lost for lateness.

Late work
All late work loses three points for every day late. If a weekly paper is due at 5pm and dropbox logs it in at 5:01pm, it is late and loses three points.

Dropbox = Official Clock
All assignments must be uploaded to your dropbox folder on the Anth 3010 Collab site. You will also get your graded assignments returned via dropbox. The dropbox clock -- the time with which your assignment is tagged when you upload it -- serves as the official clock and will be how I judge lateness. It is your responsibility to make sure you’ve uploaded the correct file.

Office Hours and Consultations
I am always happy to talk with you, via email or in person. Please come to my office hours, and bring your ideas, musings, and / or rough drafts. I believe writing and learning are long-term processes and I will reward students who take this seriously. I am happy to consider revisions or second drafts of writing assignments, as long as students spend mental energy substantially reconsidering what they write.

No Laptop / Cell phone Policy
I do not believe in multitasking. As much as I have hoped it to be possible, I have found that I simply cannot concentrate well on more than one thing at a time. As I will say in class, I also have found the internet and email to be absurdly tempting, even when I’m trying to work hard. I do not think I’m particularly unique in these ways and there is growing evidence that most people learn, think, and remember much better when they are focused only on one thing. Therefore, in this class, you are not allowed to use cell phones or laptops unless you have a good reason to. Any person with a good reason needs to email me an explanation of that reason by the end of the first week of class. More information about the negative repercussions of multi-tasking, particularly with computers, is on the course blog here.

Grading and Requirements
Participation in Lecture: 10% of your final grade
Quizzes: 15% of your final grade
Participation in Discussion Sections: 25% of your final grade
Three In-class Exams: 30% of your final grade (10% for each exam)
Weekly Writing Assignments: 20% of your final grade

Grading Guidelines for Writing Assignments
A good essay includes: 1) a thesis point or points 2) that are clearly articulated as answers to the assigned questions and also 3) makes a compelling and insightful argument.

A = Clear, coherent, cogent, and compelling argument, with truly insightful ideas
B = An essay lacking real insight, but most ideas are presented clearly
C = The essay includes some ideas relevant to the assigned question, but many of its points are not clear or compelling
D = The essay grapples with the assigned question, but the points are not clear or compelling
F = No real engagement with the assigned question