Megan G.
In Japanese society there seems to be an interconnected relationship between professional status in the workplace (being a salary man) and social status at home (married with children), why do you believe this connection is so prevalent in Japanese society? Do you believe it will force more homosexual men in to marriages under false pretenses?

Emily P.
In order to gain society's trust, men must get married. Yet, society doesn't allow them to participate in the family structure. What then, can men do when society is constraining them either way?

How does the heterosexual inability to recognize their own power within the social construction reflect the plight of the OLs. Do you think it's possible to recognize yourself as a person of power within a social construction or is there always going to be someone you perceive as more powerful?

Allison H.
"Marriage, in hiw view, was 'part of the course nature takes.'" Is marriage really natural? What in Japanese society reinforces this concept of marriage and a necessity and as natural?

Stephanie W.
The idea that opting out of marriage is a noncompliance with society seems true in most societies.  It is generally not "normal" to decide that you never want to marry.  Why is this? What factors in Japanese society, and others, attribute to marriage expectations that exist within contemporary society? Are they changing?  Is the expectation to marry waning?

Emily M.
One of the fathers interviewed stated, "I get the feeling that my trustworthiness at work has increased and things are moving in a favorable direction, that I'm trusted more" (180). Does this statement suggest that being a parent typically causes a male to receive more respect from his boss? Sometimes, in America, having children is seen as a distraction to workers in the form of phone calls from children, attending sporting events, etc. However, Japanese men rarely attend their child's graduation ceremony, as seen in Secrets of Mariko. Is it true that fathers appear to be more trustworthy, even though they may be absent from large events in their child's upbringing?

Do you find it odd that gay men are asked to keep their personal lives to themselves when married men and fathers seem to be honored and treated more favorably for their family ties?

Is sexuality in the workplace truly a "private" or "personal" matter? Or is this only so because it is assumed that a man within the workplace is heterosexual?

On page 181, the author wrote, "Thus, despite the very real shift and changes in gender and sexuality practice and ideology discussed in many of the chapters in this volume, in all likelihood, hegemonic notions surrounding what constitutes masculinity (and femininity) will also constitute to shape individuals' day-to-day behavior and actions well into the future."  Do you agree with this statement, or do you think that characteristics of masculinity and femininity will eventually become relatively equal in the future?

Do you think if fathers become more involved with their children that it will create a decline in birth rate?

Through many of the readings it seems that japanese people marry out of convenience, how do relationships between the gay and straight world in japan vary?

Why don't homosexual men try to change the system by using more direct means instead of the internet?

Do you think that it is more beneficial for married men and women to have separate roles or to both work and spend time doing household chores?

Emily P.
Gay men undergo much of the same uneasiness and discrimination in the United States as Mark McLelland describes in his article. What makes this specific argument Japanese then?

Katie S.
The author says "Japanese society expects everyone to act in a similar way. If one acts differently, there is a negative sanction" (209). Is this true for all societies?

Do you think this article depicts a fathers relationship with his children differently from the other readings we have done this semester?

Meagan B.
If the actions of a man are in the "margin", as opposed to the "normal" decisions he is expected to make, how does this make him less masculine in the eyes of his coworkers?