
Thanks to Professor Purkiss

When I decided that the visual theme of this website should be "protest," I also realized that my own knowledge and research interests meant that I was finding many more images of recent, or contemporary, protests. Lucky for us all, Dr. Ava Purkiss, a historian focused on African American women, shared images and suggestions with me. She gave me more suggestions than I could use, but I am grateful to Dr. Purkiss for the image of Olive Moore on the Final Project page and Gloria Richardson's amazing expression and gesture on the Discussion Sections page.

I highly recommend you join one of Professor Purkiss' courses if you are able! Here is one of her articles, in case you want to check it out:

"Beauty Secrets: Fight Fat": Black Women's Aesthetics, Exercise, and Fat Stigma, 1900–1930s

Here's one more awesome image she shared with me: young women students sitting on the steps on Atlanta University (as it was then called) around 1900.
