
Possible Final Project Ideas

No pressure to pick up any of these ideas, but I thought it might be helpful to create a list of possible final paper topics as they come up in our class.

In no particular order:

UM Curfews
When we discussed the curfews that UM apparently used to impose on female students, it make me think that someone could do a really excellent final project on the curfews. In lecture, one student asked about punishments - what would happen to a student who stayed out past curfew? That's a great question! A final project focused on this issue could include historical research in UM archives about the curfew, how it was applied, and how students felt about it. (I imagine old issues of the Michigan Daily would surely have some op-eds about the curfew.) And / or you could try to find alums who are willing to talk about their time at Michigan, and their personal experiences with the curfew, as an oral history project. My very rough math makes me think that you'd need to talk with alums who are now in their 70s or so. I think either of these options could be really fascinating and I imagine a large audience would be interested in your findings.

Dating and Height
Based on your reactions in lecture on Wednesday, it seems obvious there are multiple project possibilities about dating, height, and gender norms. You could talk with men about their sense of how height impacts their dating opportunities. You could talk with women about the same issues, etc. There seem to be a lot of different perspectives to take on this.