There are many, many materials I could have assigned for this course. As you know, I decided to restrict our reading almost entirely to ethnographic monographs. Here are additional readings that you are welcome to engage. They are listed in no particular order.
Susan George. A Short History of Neoliberalism. Presented at the Conference on Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World, Bangkok, 24-26 March 1999.
Jason Hickel and Arsalan Khan. 2012. “The Culture of Capitalism and the Crisis of Critique.” Anthropological Quarterly 85(1): 203-227
I co-edited a special issue of Anthropology Quarterly with Ilana Gershon concerning disconnection and neoliberal ethics. If you are on an on-grounds computer or VPN, you can get the whole issue here. The central puzzle is:
Rather than taking neoliberalism as a known or hegemonic condition, the authors of this volume use moments of disconnection to explore the ways in which neoliberal beliefs are constructed, embodied, and challenged. We analyze instances in which networks are cut or alliances are terminated, taking these moments to be ethnographically fruitful sites for illuminating the weaknesses or insufficiencies in neoliberal approaches to the social. We address the following question ethnographically: how does the labor of disconnection become a moral concern in neoliberal contexts?
Wendy Brown. 2003. “Neo-liberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy.” Theory and Event 7(1).
Lisa Hoffman, Monica DeHart, and Stephen Collier. 2006. “Notes on the Anthropology of Neoliberalism.” Anthropology News 47:9–10.