How does the perspective of the second hand clothing market differ between "the west" and Zambia?  Why does the clothing change when it enters a different space?

Going into this book, I thought that second hand clothes in Africa was something that just started within the last 60 years. I was very surprised to learn that new and used clothing was one of the things that Africans traded slaves for back in the 18th century. Do you feel that this justifies claims that transnationalism is nothing new, or do you feel that the trade of the 18th century is minuscule compared to what is going on now?

What are we supposed to do with this idea of clothing having a social history? Do Americans take for granted the many steps it takes for clothing to get to us and the many steps the clothing takes after it leaves us? Can you think of other items that have this kind of utility/story/biography?

Why is clothing so powerful?

During the introduction, Hansen writes that "consumers here explain the presence of salaula as a result of "donations" from the West, as is the case with so much else in Zambia." After everything we read about production to sale on the local level would you still consider salaula a donation, even when there is so much economics involved?

The author claims several times that most people do no know where the clothing they donate is going. Does it anger you to realize that most of the clothes you donate aren't going directly to those in need?

Should African (or anyone else who receives 2nd hand clothing) be so concerned with how they look?  Should they just wear the clothes that they are given and not alter them at all?

At the beginning of Chapter 2, the author notes that "by the postwar era, Africans had definitely made Western-style clothing and dress practices their own." Do you believe that this concept is an "oxy-moron," or is it actually possible for African countries to build off of this Western-style of dress and ultimately claim it as theirs?

Why was the second clothing so popular among the africans? Did it make them feel more like a European?

Given that to most Americans second-hand clothing is more of a symbol of poverty rather than wealth, were you at all surprised to read that there is such a large demand for these clothes? Do you feel that this is more about globalization and Africans wanting to become western, or more out of necessity?

if the africans seemed to imitate europeans in their dress, where do most of our fashion come from and where do we find them?

Is it at all possible to impose a 'national dress'? How can this create issues? How can this be related to the ideas of globalization and localization?

How is secondhand clothing in Zambia related to globalization?  Localizaion?

Can the consumption of used clothing in Africa be viewed as a trend leading towards global homogeneity?  Explain why or why not.

At the end of page 115, Hansen mentions how some countries are importing used-clothing to see within thier country, even when they are large exporters of clothing (meaning they have factories that is making clothes solely to export). Does this take away from a country's nationality, independence, or even reputation?

Is there a similarity between the Japanese in "Hip-Hop Japan" and the Africans? They both imitate Western styles but change it into there own styles.

Alex P.
In Ifya Bukaya, the character Chishimba (who refused to start school) returns from the Congo in very nice apparel and refers to his classmates as “monkeys.” His classmates, in turn, express that it is more important to be educated and dignified [“the real riches”] and that Chishimba is placing himself in a status where he does not deserve to be.  Do you think the author of this work feared that European clothing would blur the class boundaries within African society?  Was this story simply meant to warn Africans that hard work must come first, in order to obtain nice clothing (reflective of a higher social status)?  That is, was he trying to encourage Africans maintain a high degree of work ethic?

Zach F.
Is the process of selling second hand clothing detrimental and disempowering to Africa? What views do we have? The Salvation Army? Africans?

Alex V.
How did Africans use clothing to subvert colonialism?

Do you think the existence of "salaula" and cross country trade has really influenced or enhanced living in Zambia?

"Anecdotal accounts from the exporting and importing ends of the international trade in secondhand clothes tell a story of growth ofver the last decades, with noticable increases during the first half of the 1990's" (113). What do you think the future holds for this particular trade industry. What effect might globalization have on the future of Salaula?

When we discussed the reading on McDonald's in class, many of us seemed to have a top down view of how it worked in China. Do you think that the growing secondhand clothing market is more of a top down or bottom up process of globalization?

What do the Africans lose (if anything) after adopting the clothing? Is this a product of globalization?

Zach N.
Political development restricted the trade of secondhand clothing during the late 1950s. Has political change or development in the United States restricted trade or other forms of exchange?

If the Second Hand clothing industry was not so successful in Zambia due to a lack of donated clothing would the textile industry be able to have a boost and perhaps employ more people and clothe people at a lower cost?