This course is designed as a reading course for graduate students interested in exploring anthropological scholarship on education. The reading list reflects the particular interests of students enrolled in the course.
Week 1
Sept. 9
Group discussion and decisions about how to organize the semester
Week 2
Sept. 16
Selections from: A Companion to the Anthropology of Education, edited by Bradley A. Levinson and Mica Pollock. Oxford: Wiley.
3 - Ray McDermott and Jason Duque Raley. “The Ethnography of Schooling Writ Large, 1955–2010.” 34-49.
17- Bradley A.U. Levinson. “Toward an Anthropology of (Democratic) Citizenship Education.” 279-298.
25 - Sarah Jewett and Katherine Schultz. “Toward an Anthropology of Teachers and Teaching.” 425-444.
31 - Janise Hurtig and Andrea Dyrness. “Parents as Critical Educators and Ethnographers of Schooling.” 530-546.
Week 3
Sept. 23
Joseph Tobin, Yeh Hsueh, and Mayumi Karasawa. Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan, and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Week 4
Sept. 30
Paul Willis. 1981. Learning to Labor: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs. New York: Columbia University Press.
Week 5
Oct. 7
No meeting.
Week 6
Oct. 14
Hugh Mehan, Alma Hertwich, and J. Meihls. 1986. Handicapping the Handicapped: Decision Making in Students’ Educational Careers. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Week 7
Oct. 21
Shamus Rahman Khan. 2012. Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Week 8
Oct. 28
Aurolyn Luykx. 1999. The Citizen Factory: Schooling and Cultural Production in Bolivia. Albany: SUNY Press.
Week 9
Nov. 4
Reva Jaffe-Walter. 2016. Coercive Concern: Nationalism, Liberalism, and the Schooling of Muslim Youth. Stanford UP.
Week 10
Nov. 11
No meeting. Please think about attending the Nam Center Conference: Korean Families in Economic and Demographic Transitions: Parenting, Children's Education, and Social Mobility
There are a number of interesting presentations focused specifically on education.
Week 11
Nov. 18
No meeting - American Anthropological Association meetings
Week 12
Nov. 25
No meeting - Thanksgiving break
Week 13
Dec. 2
Nancy Abelmann. 2009. The Intimate University: Korean American Students and the Problems of Segregation. Duke UP.
Week 14
Dec. 9
Rebekah Nathan. My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student. New York: Penguin.
Wesley Shumar and Shabana Mir. 2011. "Cultural Anthropology Looks at Higher Education." In A Companion to the Anthropology of Education, page 445-460.
Week 15
Thursday, Dec. 15 in STB 6000 - Please notice the unusual day and location!
Writing feedback for Dannah and Chris. They will send us draft chapters by Saturday, December 10.