Week 15
Due: 5pm, MONDAY, December 1, in your Collab dropbox folder
As personal preparation for our group conversation reflecting on the semester, please think forward ten years. (You will probably be between 28 and 33 or so, right?) What element of this course could you imagine remembering at that future time, and why? What do you think might stick with you? Are there any particular characters, situations, ideas, or concepts that are especially striking to you? Although this question is specific to this course, I hope it will help us begin a conversation about what we’ve been doing for the semester, i.e. what is the point of all of this -- this course, but also the tremendous work you are doing throughout college?
If you would like to share more general reflections about what you hoped to accomplish in the course, what you did accomplish, and the process of that change, please feel free.
I ask you to turn this short assignment in on Monday so that we will be able to read over your answers before our final class meeting. Please come to class on Tuesday prepared to share your thoughts and reflections.