I have had some personal experiences that make it hard to talk or read about some of the topics in the course. What should I do?
Of course the choice is entirely yours, but I hope that you will consider taking this course even if the syllabus includes difficult or triggering topics. I never want to traumatize or re-traumatize anyone. Please reach out to me to think through alternative assignments. You definitely do not just have to "power through" a difficult topic.

It seems like there is an open seat, but the system is not allowing me to enroll. What's going on?
In this course, there are seats that are reserved for students in particular categories. For instance, a certain number of seats are reserved only for first year students or only for honors students. If you see empty seats but cannot enroll, that means you do not meet whatever the restriction is. Please add yourself to the waitlist if you'd like.

Can I get an override?
While I appreciate your enthusiasm about the course unfortunately I am not able to give overrides to anyone.

I'm on the waitlist. What can I do to get into the course?

Typically courses have some churn at the beginning of the semester. Some students who enrolled end up dropping, giving some students on the waitlist an opportunity to enroll. That said, I cannot tell if this will happen, or if you personally will be able to get into the course.

Can I turn in work early?
Yes, you're welcome to submit assignments as early as you want.

Can I turn in work late?
Yes, you're welcome to submit some work after a deadline. Late work will lose three points per day from the grade. However work that is graded credit / no credit can not be submitted late (because there is no way to subtract three from "credit.")

I am sick and need to miss class. What should I do?
Please email me as soon as possible.

I would prefer to join via zoom. What should I do?

Please email me as soon as possible.

I have a disability and want to coordinate what I need. What should I do?
There are a few different places to start and you're welcome to pick whichever contact person or center works best for you. You can contact the SSD office and ask for their help. They will prepare and share materials with all your instructors. You are also welcome to contact me. I ask about your needs in the opening survey, so you can answer there. If you have a specific accommodation you need, I would be happy to learn about that from you. Please don't hesitate to reach out.

I am deaf and / or need to read lips. I am concerned about how wearing masks might make that impossible for me. What should I do?
Please email me as soon as possible. We have a few different options about how to make lip reading possible while also being Covid safe, and I am happy to enact whichever option works best for you.

Does this course have a final exam?
It does not. You do not need to be on campus during our assigned exam period.

Can I drop any grade in this course?
No, you can't but there are many assignments worth relatively little of the final grade, so you have plenty of space to make mistakes or figure things out. For instance, there are very regular assignments that are credit / no credit, meaning you can get all the points by turning it in on time. This is designed for students who might feel less sure or confident of the materials, to give you very low stakes assignments in which you can ask questions and try to figure things out.

How can I sign up for office hours to talk with Professor Alexy?
I would be very happy to talk with you! Please sign up here. If none of those times work for you, please email me and we can try to find another time.

Can I round up my final grade?
No. Final grades are calculated and assigned through the system outlined here. I won't be rounding up.