A Brief Overview of a lot of Japanese History

Brandon found this and sends it in, saying:

“I stumbled upon this super cool YouTube video summarizing all of Japan's history in 9 minutes. It's pretty funny with its simplistic storytelling and I thought that you would be interested if you haven't seen this already. This seems like an entertaining video I think most of the class could get behind. Based on the tone of the author, he sounds like he is describing Japan's history with sort of a passing interest, though I'm sure his intention was simply to humor viewers. The video did provide me with historical knowledge that I previously didn't have, such as the Mongolian invasions being foiled by Typhoons! Overall, I thought the video was very colorful and easy to get engaged in, I hope anyone else who watches shares the same sentiment!”

Open question: Why do you think this video has 16 million+ views?? I was surprised the number was that high, but maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised?